Tips on Moving in Together From a Moving and Storage Company
As moving season settles upon us many couples find themselves taking the next big step in their relationship by moving in together. Couples that move in together have their finances mixed together which opens up a new set of relationship challenges. Here are some tips from a moving and storage company on how to ease into moving in with a significant other.
Compare inventories
Take some time to take stock of each of your possessions and draw up an itemized list. Indicate which possessions you plan to keep and which ones you plan to get rid of. Very often, couples moving in together have to downsize a bit, which ultimately minimizes the cost of the move. Consider organizing a yard sale if you have a lot of unwanted items.
Take to them about finances
Moving in together means that your finances will be mixed together, including rent, groceries, utilities, internet, etc. Take some time to sit down with your SO to talk about financial expectations. Make a determinate plan on how to split bills and stick to that plan. The exact finances differ depending on the couple but discussions about financial security are always worth having.
Set clear boundaries
One unfortunate part of moving in together is that you will have substantially less privacy. This problem can be avoided if you and your SO draw clear boundaries in the living space. Talk about household chores and any potential privacy issues. Things like living space layout and cleaning routines are imperative to make sure you can share the space comfortably. Asl yourself, what space do you want for recreation? For exercise? Do you have any pets or would like to get some in the future? Making sure everyone is on the same page with moving expectations prevents any unwanted disagreements from cropping up during the move.
Hire a professional moving company
Moving by yourself is already stressful enough and two or more people can make a DIY move even worse. Finding a moving and storage company made of professionals will go lengths towards making everything run smoothly and keeping tensions low. A moving and storage company can help with the heavy-duty packing and lifting as well as organizing your living space. Give our movers at NCMSS a call today.